Hi *,
during my last NetApp SAM meeting, I noticed several todo's.
In some cases, NetApp offers an ansible script fixing an issue directly into the https://activeiq.netapp.com/ page.
For my special cases, the issue pointed out into Applications experience latency due to a single slow SSD KB and Unexpected bootargument is set KB. Both bugs need to be fixed manually.
Both KB's were pointed out to more than 50 Nodes...
That's why I created the following ansible roles for the bootarg KB:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- name: password
private: yes
login: &login
username: ansible #"{{ username }}"
password: "{{ password }}"
hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
https: yes
validate_certs: false
- name: run ontap cli command
delegate_to: localhost
command: 'node run -node * -command bootargs unset bootarg.gb.override.lmgr.veto'
privilege: diag
<<: *login
- name: Send message
delegate_to: localhost
autosupport_message: "fix A boot argument that is only expected to be set during ONTAP update is still set."
<<: *login
For Applications experience latency due to a single slow SSD KB I simply recycled the role above and replaced the command.
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- name: password
private: yes
login: &login
username: ansible #"{{ username }}"
password: "{{ password }}"
hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
https: yes
validate_certs: false
- name: run ontap cli command
delegate_to: localhost
command: 'system node run -node * options disk.latency_check_ssd.fail_enable on'
privilege: diag
<<: *login
- name: Send message
delegate_to: localhost
autosupport_message: "fix Burt 1479263 - Applications experience latency due to a single slow SSD"
<<: *login
Please note that you should only run these commands against affected systems.
Both Ansible scripts enabled me to fix both issues with really less effort.
With the invoke autosupport the changes were pushed into the NetApp data warehouse and systems were remove from the affected list after 24hours.
Fix the ontap boot arg issue and the ssd issue can be found into my github repo.