NetApp Keystone Login Banner

Hello *,

as mentioned in my session at NetApp INSIGHT this year, I have created a smart login banner for NetApp Keystone Systems.

The banner makes NetApp Keystone Systems more visible and suggest admin/users that support cases are opened via a different path than usual. It also points out that QoS values should not be adjusted.


- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
    - name: ansible user password
      private: yes
    login: &login
      username: ansible #"{{ username }}"
      password: "{{ password }}"
      hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
      https: yes
      validate_certs: false
    - name: modify motd cluster - REST
      delegate_to: localhost
        motd_message: "\n authorized access only \n\n Keystone System, please be aware of special QoS values \n Keystone Germany Hotline +49 8006 2730 17 \n Email \n For any escalations, please reachout \n\n case management" 
        show_cluster_motd: True
        <<: *login

The last version can be found into my GitHub repo.

And yes if you are not into german region you should replace the phone number to one of the following numbers:

  • Keystone USA and Canada: +1 866 363 8277 (toll free) / 1 919 629 3399 (non-toll-free)
  • Keystone Belgium: +32 8005 8797 
  • Keystone UK: +44 8000 2600 66 
  • Keystone Austria: +43 8003 0101 0 
  • Keystone Netherlands: +31 8003 8000 13 
  • Keystone Switzerland: +41 8005 6689 5 
  • Keystone Germany: +49 8006 2730 17 
  • Keystone Japan: +81 800 6000 140
  • Keystone Australia: +61 1800 0072 01 


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